
Creating tools to protect your focus and foster your creativity.


Where it began.

Notera began in summer 2020 with the realisation that by re-engineering standard workspace tools we could improved the way we felt and performed at work.

Usman & Huw

Why we do it.

1 year on and with our paper-free army 1000s strong and growing each day thanks to you, we're looking to bring paper-freedom to desks the world over.

At Notera we are a company that prioritises design and quality over all else. One of the most important aspects to us when designing our products is to do more with less. We aim to create products that not only look great on your desk but also offer versatility in function, solving multiple workspace problem in one elegant solution.

Desk setup by a window with a view of blue sky and trees

Where to find us.

Connect with our community of paper-free warriors to get a gentle supply of the best workspace inspiration and productivity tips from the Notera community. We can't wait to meet you.